The tax accountant office has a lot of monthly routines, and Repsona is a perfect match.

The tax accountant office has a lot of monthly routines, and Repsona is a perfect match.

Kuroiwa Tax Accountant Office Mr. Shohei Kuroiwa

The tax accountant office has a lot of monthly routines, and Repsona is a perfect match.

Kuroiwa Tax Accountant Office Mr. Shohei Kuroiwa

We interviewed Mr. Shohei Kuroiwa, a certified tax accountant at Kuroiwa Tax Accountant Office, about the background and the usability of introducing Repsona.

Please tell us about your work and your role

Mr. Kuroiwa: We receive vouchers such as receipts from clients with whom we have advisory contracts every month, create trial balances for use in management decisions and bank submissions, and have customers use them for management decisions.

My role is now two staff members, so I am involved in all aspects of the work while checking the progress with the staff. We ask our staff to create documents, and we aim to establish a system for separating production and sales.

What kind of work do you use Repsona for?

Mr. Kuroiwa: It is used to manage the progress of monthly document preparation for clients. While making use of detailed task notes, etc., we describe work procedures and promote the efficiency of repetitive tasks.

You can write down the work procedure as it is in the task details

Do you have any issues you felt before using Repsona?

Mr. Kuroiwa: Since I have a lot of routine work every month, I wanted to visualize monthly tasks so that I could brush up task management on a daily basis.

  • Want to share tasks visually within a team
  • Want to organize and manage sub tasks in parent tasks
  • Want to manage work procedures together in the tool
  • Want to increase the number of people, so I want to go with the same task management method even when I have about 10 people
  • Want to duplicate a task easily
  • In terms of price, we currently have two staff members, so we cannot spend much cost.

I thought Repsona could meet these issues.

Why did you choose Repsona?

Mr. Kuroiwa: I think the work of a tax accountant office is a type of job that has many monthly routines. Repsona is a very good match. It is very good to be able to duplicate and use the project every month. I think other task management tools have the ability to duplicate projects, but I thought it would be nice to be able to create sub tasks steadily.

There are many monthly routines, and Repsona is a great match

It is also good to set tasks to Done and complete them one by one like a game. I also like the ability to show or hide finished tasks rather than archiving them.

I use it properly as kintone, but I think that it is suitable for monthly task management and task management for annual tax return and year-end adjustment. The work can be visualized for each staff member in charge, so I think it is designed so that we can see at a glance how staff members have the ball and the progress.

You can see how the staff has the ball

How do you feel about using Repsona?

Mr. Kuroiwa: Easy task management visually.

The ball screen makes it easy to see who has the ball for that task. The priority order of tasks can also be grasped visually. We can see the progress including the deadline on the Gantt Chart (Timeline). We can display the finished task or not display it, so you can check the state we want to see. It's also very convenient to be able to manage with a parent-sub task relationship. Most operations can be done by drag and drop, which is intuitive and very easy.

We can easily update the work procedure with memos and store it, so it is easy to explain the work even if a new staff member enters. We don't have to explain everything because it's easy to share progress. As for price, I didn't feel any hurdle in the amount of money per user.

Please tell us what you expect from Repsona in the future

Mr. Kuroiwa: We are using Chatwork, but it seems to be more convenient if API cooperation with these is possible. Regarding duplication of tasks, it is better to be able to duplicate the sub tasks by grouping because the tasks to be set for each company are already decided.

v2.38.0 Duplication and templating are now supported up to child tasks.

Kuroiwa Tax Accountant Office Mr. Shohei Kuroiwa